BL Authors Library A-K

A cumulative list of books published by previous BL contributors, with links to purchase. If we published you and you have a book you'd like us to add to this list, email bloodlotusjournal(at)gmail(dot)com with your name, book title, press, and year of publication.

We're especially interested in reviews of books by BL authors; so browse this list, email us with an author/title that piques your interest, and we'll contact the author on your behalf to help get the book in your hands for review. See submission guidelines for more info. * denotes a title that has already been reviewed in BL.

Alvarez, Celia Lisset (#15), Shapeshifting (Spire Press, 2006)

Alvarez, Celia Lisset (#15), The Stones (Finishing Line Press, 2006)

Amin, Shurooq (#6), The Hanging of the Wind (Finishing Line Press, 2009)

Bauer, Grace (#15), Beholding Eye (CustomWords, 2006)

Bauer, Grace (#23, #15), Retreats and Recognitions (Lost Horse Press, 2007)

Bauer, Grace (#23, #15), The Women at the Well (Portals Press, 1997)

Biddinger, Mary (#24-25). Prairie Fever (Steel Toe Books, 2007)

Biddinger, Mary (#24-25). Saint Monica (Black Lawrence Press, 2011)

Boyle, Shimmy (#16), Recipe For A Mountain (Createspace Press, 2010)

Bunting, Rachel (#21), Ripe Again (Finishing Line Press, 2008)

Chamness, Fiona (#22). Feral Citizens (Red Beard Press, 2011)

Chen, Ching-In (#20). The Heart's Traffic (Arktoi Books/Red Hen Press, 2009)

Chen, Ching-In (#20). The Revolution Starts at Home: Confronting Intimate Violence Within Activist Communities (South End Press, 2011)

Chen, Feng Sun (#18). Butcher's Tree (Black Ocean, 2012)

coleman, rd (#8), beach tracks (New York Quarterly Books, 2010)

Collins, Ryder (#15), Orpheus on Toast (Imaginary Friend Press, 2010)

Crane, Julia (#9), Twisted Little Love Stories (Finishing Line Press, 2012)

Dailey, Sara (#24-25). The Science of Want (Shadow Poetry, 2011)

Deer Cloud, Susan (#9), The Last Ceremony (Foothills Publishing, 2007)

DeGenova, Albert (#4), Back Beat (second edition, Fractal Edge Press, 2006)

DeGenova, Albert (#4), The Blueing Hours (Virtual Artist Collective, 2008)

Demaree, Darren (#24-25), Temporary Champions (The Main Street Rag, 2014)
DeNicola, Deborah (#4), Inside Light (Finishing Line Press, 2007)

DeNicola, Deborah (#4), Orpheus & Company; Contemporary Poets on Greek Mythology (Univ. Press of New England, 1999)

DeNicola, Deborah (#4), The Future That Brought Her Here (Ibis Books, 2009)

DeNicola, Deborah (#4), The Harmony of the Next (Riverstone Press, 2005)

DeNicola, Deborah (#4), Where Divinity Begins (Alice James Books, 1994)

Dickinson, Stephanie (#11), Corn Goddess (poetry, Rain Mountain Press, 2007)

*Dickinson, Stephanie (#11), Half Girl (novel, Spuyten Duyvil, 2008)
reviewed in #21

Dickinson, Stephanie (#11), Road of Five Churches (stories, Rain Mountain Press, 2006)

Dockery, Mary Stone (#21). Mythology of Touch (Woodley Press, 2012). 
Dupuis, Jeff (#19) Everything Must Go (Found Press, 2014)

Elyshevitz, Alan (#9), Theory of Everything (Pudding House, 2003)

*Fanelli, Brian (#13), Front Man (Big Table Publishing, 2010)
reviewed in #21

Frame, Anthony (#9), Paper Guillotines (Imaginary Friend Press, 2010)

Freeman, Glenn (#19). Keeping the Tigers Behind Us (Elixir Press, 2007)

George, Karen L. (#19). Into the Heartland (Finishing Line Press, 2011)

Gustine, Heather (#17), Rooming with Your Bones (Lounge, Yes Press, email

Hagan, Ellen (#24-25, #13), Crowned (Sawyer House Press, 2010)

Hall Gailey, Jeanine (#7), Becoming the Villainess (Steel Toe Books, 2006)

Hamby, Barbara (#6), All Night Lingo Tango (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2009)

Hamby, Barbara (#6), Babel (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2004)

Hamby, Barbara (#6), Delirium (University of North Texas Press, 2000)

Hamby, Barbara (#6), The Alphabet of Desire (Orchises Press, 2006)

Harrity, David (#2), Morning and What Has Come Since (Finishing Line Press, 2007)

Hart, William (#20). Home to Ballygunge: Kolkata Tanka (Modern English Tanka Press, 2010)

Hart, William (#20). Monsoon (Timberline Press, 1991)

Hart, William (#20). Never Fade Away (Daniel & Daniel, Publishers, 2002)

Hart, William (#20). On Cat Time (Timberline Press, 2004)

Hart, William (#20). Operation Supergoose (Timberline Press, 2007)

Hart, William (#20). Paris (Timberline Press, 1996)

Hart, William (#20). Wildcat Road (Timberline Press, 2000)

j/j hastain (#24-25). we in my Trans (JMS Books, 2010)

Hastings, Eli (#4), Falling Room (University of Nebraska Press, 2006) 

Holmes, Katherine L. (#24-25). Curiosity Killed the Sphinx and Other Stories (Hollywood Books International, 2012)

Holmes, Katherine L. (#24-25). The House in Windward Leaves (Couchgrass Books, 2011)

Holmes, Tom (#24-25). Pre-Dew Poems (FootHills Publishing, 2008)

Hostovsky, Paul (#7), A Little in Love a Lot (Main Street Rag, 2011)

Hostovsky, Paul (#7), Dear Truth (Main Street Rag, 2009)

Julin, Stacy W. (#20). A Pebble Thrown in Water (Tiger’s Eye Press, 2010)

Keane, Erin (#6), Death-Defying Acts (WordFarm, 2010)

Keane, Erin (#6), The Gravity Soundtrack (WordFarm, 2007)

King, Robert S. (#11), The Gravedigger’s Roots (Shared Roads Press, 2009)

King, Robert S. (#11), The Hunted River (Shared Roads Press, 2009)

Kirk, Kathleen (#20, #5), Broken Sonnets (Finishing Line Press, 2009)

Kirk, Kathleen (#20, #5), Living on the Earth (Finishing Line Press, 2010)

Kirk, Kathleen (#20, #5), Selected Roles (Moon Journal Press, 2006)

Klein Healy, Eloise (#8), Artemis in Echo Park (Firebrand Books, 1991)

Klein Healy, Eloise (#8), Ordinary Wisdom (Paradise Press/Red Hen Press reprint 2005)

Klein Healy, Eloise (#8), Passing (Red Hen Press, 2002)

Klein Healy, Eloise (#8), The Islands Project: Poems for Sappho (Red Hen Press, 2007)