We're especially interested in reviews of books by BL authors; so browse this list, email us with an author/title that piques your interest, and we'll contact the author on your behalf to help get the book in your hands for review. See submission guidelines for more info. * denotes a title that has already been reviewed in BL.
Abbott, John (#22). The Last Refrain (Sweatshoppe Publications, 2013); Near Harmony (Flutter Press, 2013)
Arnold, Ken (#24-25). Circle of the Way (KenArnoldBooks, 2008)
Alvarez, Celia Lisset (#15), Shapeshifting (Spire Press, 2006)
Alvarez, Celia Lisset (#15), The Stones (Finishing Line Press, 2006)
Amin, Shurooq (#6), The Hanging of the Wind (Finishing Line Press, 2009)
Bauer, Grace (#15), Beholding Eye (CustomWords, 2006)
Bauer, Grace (#23, #15), Retreats and Recognitions (Lost Horse Press, 2007)
Bauer, Grace (#23, #15), The Women at the Well (Portals Press, 1997)
Biddinger, Mary (#24-25), and John Gallaher. The Monkey and the Wrench: Essays into Contemporary Poetics (University of Akron Press, 2011)
Biddinger, Mary (#24-25). O Holy Insurgency (Black Lawrence Press, 2012)
Biddinger, Mary (#24-25). Prairie Fever (Steel Toe Books, 2007)
Biddinger, Mary (#24-25). Saint Monica (Black Lawrence Press, 2011)
Boyle, Shimmy (#16), Recipe For A Mountain (Createspace Press, 2010)
Bunting, Rachel (#21), Ripe Again (Finishing Line Press, 2008)
Chamness, Fiona (#22). Feral Citizens (Red Beard Press, 2011)
Chen, Ching-In (#20). The Heart's Traffic (Arktoi Books/Red Hen Press, 2009)
Chen, Ching-In (#20). The Revolution Starts at Home: Confronting Intimate Violence Within Activist Communities (South End Press, 2011)
Chen, Feng Sun (#18). Butcher's Tree (Black Ocean, 2012)
coleman, rd (#8), beach tracks (New York Quarterly Books, 2010)
Collins, Ryder (#15), Orpheus on Toast (Imaginary Friend Press, 2010)
Crane, Julia (#9), Twisted Little Love Stories (Finishing Line Press, 2012)
Dailey, Sara (#24-25). The Science of Want (Shadow Poetry, 2011)
Deer Cloud, Susan (#9), The Last Ceremony (Foothills Publishing, 2007)
DeGenova, Albert (#4), Back Beat (second edition, Fractal Edge Press, 2006)
DeGenova, Albert (#4), The Blueing Hours (Virtual Artist Collective, 2008)
Demaree, Darren (#24-25), Temporary Champions (The Main Street Rag, 2014)
DeNicola, Deborah (#4), Inside Light (Finishing Line Press, 2007)
DeNicola, Deborah (#4), Orpheus & Company; Contemporary Poets on Greek Mythology (Univ. Press of New England, 1999)
DeNicola, Deborah (#4), The Future That Brought Her Here (Ibis Books, 2009)
DeNicola, Deborah (#4), The Harmony of the Next (Riverstone Press, 2005)
DeNicola, Deborah (#4), Where Divinity Begins (Alice James Books, 1994)
Dickinson, Stephanie (#11), Corn Goddess (poetry, Rain Mountain Press, 2007)
*Dickinson, Stephanie (#11), Half Girl (novel, Spuyten Duyvil, 2008)
reviewed in #21
Dickinson, Stephanie (#11), Road of Five Churches (stories, Rain Mountain Press, 2006)
Dockery, Mary Stone (#21). Mythology of Touch (Woodley Press, 2012).
Dupuis, Jeff (#19) Everything Must Go (Found Press, 2014) http://www.foundpress. com/everything-must-go/
Elyshevitz, Alan (#9), Theory of Everything (Pudding House, 2003)
*Fanelli, Brian (#13), Front Man (Big Table Publishing, 2010)
reviewed in #21
Frame, Anthony (#9), Paper Guillotines (Imaginary Friend Press, 2010)
Freeman, Glenn (#19). Keeping the Tigers Behind Us (Elixir Press, 2007)
George, Karen L. (#19). Into the Heartland (Finishing Line Press, 2011)
Gustine, Heather (#17), Rooming with Your Bones (Lounge, Yes Press, email poetryeditor@shadysidereview.com)
Hagan, Ellen (#24-25, #13), Crowned (Sawyer House Press, 2010)
Hall Gailey, Jeanine (#7), Becoming the Villainess (Steel Toe Books, 2006)
Hamby, Barbara (#6), All Night Lingo Tango (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2009)
Hamby, Barbara (#6), Babel (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2004)
Hamby, Barbara (#6), Delirium (University of North Texas Press, 2000)
Hamby, Barbara (#6), The Alphabet of Desire (Orchises Press, 2006)
Harrity, David (#2), Morning and What Has Come Since (Finishing Line Press, 2007)
Hart, William (#20). Home to Ballygunge: Kolkata Tanka (Modern English Tanka Press, 2010)
Hart, William (#20). Monsoon (Timberline Press, 1991)
Hart, William (#20). Never Fade Away (Daniel & Daniel, Publishers, 2002)
Hart, William (#20). On Cat Time (Timberline Press, 2004)
Hart, William (#20). Operation Supergoose (Timberline Press, 2007)
Hart, William (#20). Paris (Timberline Press, 1996)
Hart, William (#20). Wildcat Road (Timberline Press, 2000)
j/j hastain (#24-25). approximating diapason (Spuytin Duyvil Press, 2012)
j/j hastain (#24-25). asymptotic lover // thermodynamic vents (BlazeVOX, 2009)
j/j hastain (#24-25). a womb-shaped wormhole (BlazeVOX, 2011)
j/j hastain (#24-25). long past the presence of common (Interbirth Books, 2011)
j/j hastain (#24-25). new forms and meditations for the pressurized libertine monk (Scrambler Books, 2011).
j/j hastain (#24-25). prurient anarchic omnibus (Spuytin Duyvil, 2011)
j/j/ hastain (#24-25). the relational elations of ORPHANED ALGEBRA (Marsh Hawk Press, 2012)
j/j hastain (#24-25). riding the lace barometer through uncanny subsumed (ISMs Press, 2012)
j/j hastain (#24-25). verges and vivisections (Knives Forks and Spoons Press, 2011)
j/j hastain (#24-25). we in my Trans (JMS Books, 2010)
Hastings, Eli (#4), Falling Room (University of Nebraska Press, 2006)
Holmes, Katherine L. (#24-25). Curiosity Killed the Sphinx and Other Stories (Hollywood Books International, 2012)
Holmes, Katherine L. (#24-25). The House in Windward Leaves (Couchgrass Books, 2011)
Holmes, Tom (#24-25). After MalagueƱa (FootHills Publishing, 2005)
Holmes, Tom (#24-25). Henri, Sophie, & The Hieratic Head of Ezra Pound: Poems Blasted from the Vortex (BlazeVOX, 2009)
Holmes, Tom (#24-25). Poems for an Empty Church (Palettes & Quills, 2011)
Holmes, Tom (#24-25). Pre-Dew Poems (FootHills Publishing, 2008)
Hostovsky, Paul (#7), A Little in Love a Lot (Main Street Rag, 2011)
Hostovsky, Paul (#7), Dear Truth (Main Street Rag, 2009)
Julin, Stacy W. (#20). A Pebble Thrown in Water (Tiger’s Eye Press, 2010)
Keane, Erin (#6), Death-Defying Acts (WordFarm, 2010)
Keane, Erin (#6), The Gravity Soundtrack (WordFarm, 2007)
King, Robert S. (#11), The Gravedigger’s Roots (Shared Roads Press, 2009)
King, Robert S. (#11), The Hunted River (Shared Roads Press, 2009)
Kirk, Kathleen (#20, #5), Broken Sonnets (Finishing Line Press, 2009)
Kirk, Kathleen (#20, #5), Living on the Earth (Finishing Line Press, 2010)
Kirk, Kathleen (#20, #5), Selected Roles (Moon Journal Press, 2006)
Klein Healy, Eloise (#8), Artemis in Echo Park (Firebrand Books, 1991)
Klein Healy, Eloise (#8), Ordinary Wisdom (Paradise Press/Red Hen Press reprint 2005)
Klein Healy, Eloise (#8), Passing (Red Hen Press, 2002)
Klein Healy, Eloise (#8), The Islands Project: Poems for Sappho (Red Hen Press, 2007)